Rugby League

Here at St Teresa's we play in the Justin Hodges 9's, Chris Flannery 9's and Annette Brander 9's ​​​Competitions. 

Gala Day Dates 2024:  

  • Annette Brander (Girls): Tuesday 20th February
  • Justin Hodges (Yr 9-12 Boys): Wednesday 27th March
  • Chris Flannery (Yr 7-8 Boys): Tuesday 10th September

Cost: $40 ​(added to your school fees)

Training: Training Days will vary for each team depending on coach and student availability. Training days will be posted into teams at the commencement of the season. Click here to see our training schedule. 

Transport: Students will be provided with transport to and from these days. 

Uniform Requir​e​ments:

All students will need to purchase: 

  • Multi-sport Shorts and Socks (for training & games)

  • Football boots

These can be collected from the Sports Shack. The cost will be added to your school fees. 

All students will be provided with a Jersey which they loan from the college for the day. Failure to return at the end of the day will result in a replacement fee. 

For any further questions please email:​