Vision for Religious education at St Teresa’s College
At St Teresa’s, our vision for religious education revolves around providing daily opportunities for students to discover and explore “friendship with God” through a variety of dynamic teaching and learning experiences that develop a spirit of inquiry. We work in conjunction with Brisbane Catholic education to bring the curriculum alive for our students. Here’s what the Formal Archdiocese Vision statement says…
“The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.”
The Vision for Religious Education in our school challenges students to be a religious voice in the world and encourages them to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives.
Year 7 - 9
Students in year 7-9 participate in a variety of activities as part of their religious education. Topics include Social Justice, Scripture, Church History and Morals and ethics, as well as practical experiences of helping the St Teresa’s Community. Teaching is dynamic and rich, with modern strategies to enhance learning. Students discover the power of the story of Jesus and find out about key Christian ideas like helping others and experiencing the fullness of life. Religion in Year 7-9 is fun and engaging with a variety of opportunities for new discoveries about finding purpose and meaning in life’s journey.
Year 10
Year 10 students have a transition year to the senior school with a variety of units and assessment pieces that mirror the offerings in Years 11 and 12. Year 10 assessment is designed to reflect similar opportunities that will be experienced in Year 11/12 SOR, RAE i.e. Project, Investigation, Multimodal and Exam with a variety of ways to demonstrate learning.
Year 11 and 12
Our Year 11 and 12 students have the option of choosing Study of Religion or Religion and Ethics. In both subjects, students have opportunities to engage and evaluate a variety of belief systems, major world religions and sacred texts, and explore what it means to be an adherent of a variety of different faiths. Students participate in social justice activities, and explore real life opportunities to make a difference in the world.

Beyond the Classroom
There are many co-curricular opportunities that are embedded in the curriculum and lived out in the Religious life of the school and beyond. Events like retreats, reflection days, daily class prayer, community service and engagement, fundraising opportunities, Vinnies sleep out, College masses and other religious rituals and events, allow for a variety of expressions of faith.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Teresa’s Catholic College Noosaville (2023)