The Pastoral Board is an important Ministry of the church and it relies for its success on effective formation and the development of meaningful relationships among the College and community groups and members.
The current members of the Pastoral Board are:
Parent Representatives: Louise Parry, Ann-Maree Pitot, Ben O'Brien & Terry McDonald
Chairman: Kelly McKendry
Principal: Sam Anderson
Parish Priest: Fr Jason Middleton
Staff Representative: Mark Roberton & Ronel Scheepers
Secretary: Caraline Preston
Aims of the Board
Ensure Catholic Education is achieved within Parish/Diocesan Pastoral Goals
Pursue the goals of the locally developed Statement of Mission of Catholic Education
Co-ordinate and affirm the shared decision-making process
The role of a Board
The role of the College Pastoral Board is viewed as a 'critical friend' model, whereby Board members work as ambassadors of the school and create the environment where they can act as additional eyes and ears to facilitate better communication and understanding within the parent community.
That of a College Advisory Group to provide opportunity for students in terms of pathways and transition into, through and out of the College. Such a group would include political, educational, industry and commercial members and provide a forum to develop networks and relationships that would benefit the College.
In addition to this the College Pastoral Board assists with:
Co-responsibility in the Church’s Educational Mission
A ministry of governance through pastoral planning and policy development
Empowering the community by calling forth gifts
Collaborating and consulting with all stakeholder
Visioning and innovating for the future
Prayerfully discerning
Co-ordinating shared decision-making
Guiding as a Community of Leaders
Being formed and informed advisors
Specific Tasks of Boards
Develop, document and operate from the Educational mission
Planning – develop policies
Provision and maintenance of educational facilities
Human resources (Advisory)
Constitution and By-Laws
Pre-service and Inservice
Areas of Responsibility
Policy Areas