As communities of learners, the facilities and buildings reflects the developmental stages of student growth and learning and is clustered in such a way that optimises the areas recommended in the Commonwealth Guidelines. Buildings. The design meets the developing understandings of how best to cluster year levels for educational continuity. The College has developed a master plan which incorporates contemporary design within a modern educational setting.
The learning environments at the college:
reflects the culture, and the stated ethos and values of the college
reflects the curriculum and program design
supports the holistic development of the students
maximises the use of the natural and built environments in stimulating and creative ways
respects and promotes an environmentally sensitive [sustainable] design in relation to water efficiency, energy consumption, sustainable building materials, forestation, animal and plant conservation and waste management
offers an inside-outside concept
facilitates easy movement and flexibility both within the classroom, and between rooms and sectors of the college
endeavours to provide commitment to equity in accordance with legislation and the availability of physical, human and financial resources
contains classroom resources/features/equipment which promotes optimum learning environments for students and provides maximum teaching opportunities for teachers
addresses issues of student and workplace safety, including internal and external supervision
 Pinbarren Centre
|  Barungam Leacture Theatre |
Bush Chapel
| Champagnat Learning Centre
 Seven Science Labs
| Senior Hospitality Centre |
 Film Studio
|  Two Dance Studios
 Music and Instrumental Music Rooms
|  Graphics Lab
 Senior and Junior Art Studios
|  Senior and Junior Woodtech Rooms
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Teresa's Catholic College Noosaville (2024)