Within St Teresa's Catholic College, the ministry of teaching attends to the education of young people, assists in the formation of community, and gives expression to the values and wisdom inherent in the gospel message of Jesus and its continuing expression in the Christian faith traditions. The curriculum, the medium through which the teaching ministry occurs, is the totality of school experience. In this Catholic school the curriculum gives due regard to the integrity of the various Key Learning Areas (KLA’s), together with the needs of the learner and the wider community while seeking, in appropriate ways, an infusion of gospel values.
By means of the curriculum, and through the ministry of teaching, the school furthers its mission to be a community whose aim is the transmission of values, and whose work lies in the promotion of a faith-relationship with a triune God, revealed through Christ who gives meaning to all human life.
The Key Learning Area, Religious Education and the Religious climate that permeates this school are of particular importance in promoting this faith relationship. (Adapted from Position Papers on Key Learning Areas Brisbane Catholic Education)
“The curriculum is best served by coherent planning of learning experiences across the spectrum of Pre School to Year 12.” (“Report of the Review of the Queensland School Curriculum”, 1994, Wiltshire, McMeniman & Tolhurst, p.15)

|  Year 10 Subject Selection
|  Year 9 Subject Selection |