Message from the Principal

Welcome to St Teresa's Catholic College Noosaville

Principal David McInnes

The College was founded by Brisbane Catholic Education in 2004. Since that time it has matured to establish an enviable reputation for providing high quality learning with a focus on wellbeing and Catholic faith development. From humble beginnings in demountable buildings, 64 students and 8 staff through to today, the St Teresa's Catholic College community continues to “Dare the Dream".

The College is authentically Catholic and a place where our faith is evidenced by our actions. The personal spiritual experiences of St Teresa, who believed that God is love and that real prayer is nothing other than the expression of a relationship of friends, is lived out in the daily life of the College. Likewise, the traits of the second of the dual charisms of the College, that of St Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Marist Brothers. In these two saints of the Church, we have role models that challenge us to be contemplative, mystical and prophetical people, while concurrently living out our faith and allowing us to do the best we can in all that we do.

The College holds a strong commitment to contemporary learning and teaching frameworks, models and strategies. Engaging the students in a love of learning is an explicit priority. As parents and teachers, we want the best outcomes for our children and students, as we undertake learning that is rigorous, relevant and underpinned by authentic relationships.

Parent partnership is a priority of the College and an integral aspect of maximising student outcomes with each and every student stretched in their learning, wellbeing and faith development.

As a vibrant, authentic community we strive to develop young people of faith, thriving in learning and ever ready to contribute to a better world, based on the Joy of the Gospel.

Through your engagement in our College website and the wider College I encourage you to join us to “Dare the Dream".

Sam Anderson
College Principal​



 © Brisbane Catholic Education, St Teresa's Catholic College Noosaville (2024)