If you're even remotely interested in the aspiration of knowing more and getting closer to a 'fact based' perspective, if that's important to you, then the History Club is for you. If you feel that our society is increasingly divided these days by an online world of non-scientific, non-fact-based, expert-denying, anonymous rants that stoke heated exchanges with algorithms that encourage echo chambers of "people like us" - increasing our fear and distrust of others, then the History Club is for you. If you want to rethink how we've gotten to a world with such enormous economic disparity and cultural disparity and disparity in opportunity that it looks so radically different to different citizens all over the world, then the History Club is for you. If you want to ask questions about stories you've seen on your feed or in the news, if you think every sneeze is the corona virus, then the History Club is for you.
It's run by its members. The questions arise from the members. Some members just sit and listen. You choose the level of engagement that suits you. You can bring your lunch, you can bring a friend, you even bring an imaginary friend if you're a little hard up for friends.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Teresa's Catholic College Noosaville (2024)